- did nothing much today
- noon time sendz my dad Pajero to Optima for servicing then later drop-by Galaxy Ampang for a small walk then later follwoing by movie in MBO Cinema .. whereby the most expensive ever watched movie on WEDNESDAY .. cuz in TGV and GSC both having special price for that particular day ... where-as not applicable for MBO Cinema!!
- brought Holux M1000 (GPS Receiver) for USD$57.99; inclusive of delivery from eBAY after bidding for it nearly 1 hour ... the bidding section was fun where there is 3 other people in the world bidding together with me ......
- then later in evening ... when movie with my mummy in MidValley watched RUSH HOUR 3 (very lousy movie) ...
- conclusion is that i'll have watch Evan Almighty in the afternoon and Rush Hour 3 in the evening!
Thursday ...
- witness car accident at the MRR2 highway nearby TMN Tasik Selatan U-turn bridge; car involve KANCIL, KENARI, ACCORD and BIG TOW-TRUCK -- created small jam heading from SriPetaling to Tmn Connought -- causes rain and BLUR Driver
- great-day though! Had another half-day tour with the UCSI China Student hang-out in Mallaca Red Town; pick them in Esso Petrol Station at 1400 hour then later adjourn to Mallaca (Red Town) ... manage to reach there after 2 hour of journey .... causes by heavy rain during the journey and driving dad's Pajero. The trip was join by 10 China Student, My Dad, My Brother (andy), My sister (Evonne), My aunt and myself ... we when by 2 car; whereby i drove Pajero and my dad drove the Unser!
I hereby posted some picture taken with my DigiCam in Mallaca Town. have fun with it.
- at the AformAsa; i termeet a siau GIrlz - better known as dareDevIL lEE
- Mallaca Tree
- really did enjoy this short-trip; i manage to share a small portion about my Testimony with the lord to them (China Student) about me getting the sponsorship studying in UCSI for the past 4 yearz!!! AMEN lord!!!
- taken the GPS receiver from TWK and tried using it; really nice to have a GPS receiver, i manage to connect it to my PDA and uses MAPKING7 to direct my journey from TMN Connought to Mallaca Town; is was fun using it ...now i just can't wait till minez arrive.
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