Praise the lord .... Thank god that i manage to sell off this Hewlet Packet Ipaq Voice Messenger 512 Smart Mobile Phone with a very nice price and replace it with a better phone; Sony Ericsson Walkman Phone W880i.
The New ...
Well today we were in Friend of my parent house for open House due to Hari Raya in Desa Park City and few day back Me, Rose, Eunice & Partner, and Michelle meet-up for Steamboat in Kepong later continue with a Movie in Metro Prima, Kepong. It was nice meeting up with Michele; we had a small felloship among each other.
Well still waiting for my approval from China, dear Brother/Sister in chirst, do continue pray for me that the application is approve; just like what god said .. in John 16:24
Until now you have not ask anything in my name; ask and you shall receive and all this thing is given to you.
Alexi Binks
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