Wednesday, August 29, 2007

a fEW dayz ......

baCk agIan after beeN bz fOR couplez of dayz ... !!
the bzneSS started since Monday Night ... arrival of Ms Cai from Shanghai together with 3 of his cousin brother!!
Yup! picked them up at KLIA around 2120 Hour in Arrival Gate, seeing my good old friend Ms Cai walking out from the Arrival Gate ... later proceeded to check-in to hotel at Hotel Sri Petaling (3 rated Star hotel for 2 nightz)

Tuesday ... (suPer bZ daY)
pickEd them at thE HoteL around 1000 houR proceeded for breakfaST then lAter with ShoPPing at KLCC and StarHill only ...
guess whAt? the 3 uncle i met ... exchanged RMB60K (RM27K) just for ShOppIng and manY morE greAt aMouNt jusT for TheIR finAle nIghT in Genting Casino ..(which gonna be hAPPening comINg monDay)

- what they shopped ...
- Dunhill
- Hugo Boss
- LV
- Gucci
- Kenzo
- Salvatone Ferraganu
- other big brand namez mostly available in Star Hill only.

conclusion ... thanks to them ... it helpz our economic

Wednesday ...
today ..woke up 0400 hour send them to airport ...
they are leaving to Redang island for 3d2n trip in redang island!!
else ...

send my lovely red car to workshoP changE the cAr bAttEry which took me RM180 then later wheN tO keat'S houSe tO coLLect my GPS receIver tHAt waS PURCHAsED in EBAY lAst WeeeK .... anD whEn ouT fEr whiLe wiTh HIm ...

lAteR evenInG whEn tO MV foR moVIE with my 2 brotherz and mother ...
---- brougHt neW sLLEPEr frOM crOC -> RM159 ...(hoW exPensiVE)

weLL looKIng forwArd to the ComINg day ...

tHE BEsT THiNG is ... I GOttEN MysELF A jOB OffeR IN SOmeWHERE ARouDN tHE aSIA COUNTRY REgION !! LOOk OUt FOR inFortion on my new joB offER ..

With Lovez
Alexi Binks


Charmaine Kuan said...

Well, pray hard that u will get the job and i could go there for a big trip under your account.hhahaha... wow..croc it comfortable? kaya betul budak ini..

Anonymous said...

Great work.