Happy Weekend!
Well last Friday, I decided to go up to the rooftop which is a floor up my from room ... which is actually only 4th floor only; nothing great!
That day was just pretty boring for me ... I mean usual boring day! I remembered that morning I slept around 2AM (GMT +3) whereby Malaysia is already 7AM; thus i decided to drop a text message disturb my buddy ... immediately I receive a miss call from that person ... then usual business I will call that person ... we had a mornign chat talking rubbish for about 20 minute till my buddy reaches the office then I when to sleep till about 11AM that morning and stay inside the room and the only reason leaving the room is just to go prepare meal in the kitchen only.
That was just a lazy day for me ........
Days are passing pretty fast and slow sometimes ....
I simply can't wait to go home and see all my beloved ones!!
Counting day after day to go only ......
Scenic Picture ....
Sunset from my Rooftop view
Al Saad Street, Backside Q-tel ... Thats the view and landmark we gave to whoever wishes to drop by our home ...
Some other view ...
Thats the TORCH uses during ASIAN GAME in Doha, 2006
My place to the game village is just less than 10 KM away only
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